What to Expect...

We know that making the decision to gather with a group with which you aren't very familiar could be a little unnerving.  When you are visting any church for the first time, the unknown factors could make you a little nervous.  We do not want unanswered questions to cause you needless anxiety.  So, we have attempted to provide answers to some common questions.

We want to put you at ease.  And we want your first visit to Foxworth First to be refreshing & enjoyable for your whole family.  We want you to experience the presence of God, feel the love of God, and hear the Word of God!  You may find the following information to be helpful as you plan your visit.

Where do I go?

As you approach our campus, you will see traditional looking church buildings.  Feel free to park in any of our 3 parking lots (one on the eastside of the building, one on the westside of the building, across the street from the front doors, or in the spaces directly in front of the building).

When you arrive on the property there will be someone to greet you at the main entrance of the church building to assist you with any directions you may need.

  • Our Sunday Small Groups (Sunday School) start at 9am, and we have classes grouped by age for children (preschool through the 12th grade).
  • We also have several adult classes that you may choose to attend.

The moring worship service begins at 10am in the main building.  Your children can remain with you for the entire worship service.

  • Once a month (1st Sunday) children ages 4 years through 6th grade are invited to depart the worship center at the announced time to attend groups designed especially for them.  We intentionally only offer this one-time per month, because we value both their time in age-appropriate groups and their participation in the worship service where they benefit from learning as they absorb what is taking place around them:  adults singing praises to the Lord, the giving of offerings, believers participating in the Lord's Supper & following through in believer's baptism, and the preaching of the Word of God.
  • We also have a nursery available for infants through 3 years of age for each of our worship gatherings (every week). 

What should I wear?

At Foxworth First, we do not have a particular dress code.  In case you're wondering, many who gather dress in a variety of attires.  Typically, you will see men wear anything from a dress shirt and slacks, jeans, or even t-shirts - or the occasional suit and tie.  You will see women wear modest clothing that ranges from dresses to tops and pants (jeans, etc.).  Our pastor often wears a pair of jeans with a sport coat.  Whether you choose to wear a suit & tie or t-shirt & jeans...dress shoes or sneakers, we want you to feel welcomed and comfortable for your visit to gather with us.

What can I expect in the worship service celebration?

If you are a first-time guest, you will be offered a card at the welcome table (in the foyer) when you arrive.  If you desire, you can jot down some basic contact information on this card.  While we would love to connect with you, feel no obligation to fill-out or return the card.  If you would like, you can return the card to the welcome table at the conclusion of the service & you will receive a small gift as our way of saying "thank you" for joining us as our guest in our worship celebration.

  • Singing
    • Our worship celebrations give you an opportunity to join us in singing hymns and spiritual songs to the Lord as a congregation.  In addition, our song director, choir, or individuals may sing a testimony in song.
  • Prayer
    • We know we are completely dependent upon the Lord.  So, we pray.  Our pastor and others will lead during times of prayer throughout the service.
  • Preaching
    • We consider the preaching and teaching of the Word of God to be the most important time of the service.  We believe everyone needs instruction from God's Holy Word.
    • Most often, our pastor preaches one of a series of messages through books of the Bible or themes within the Bible.  He seeks to unpack & apply God's Word in a particular text during the service.
  • Closing Time of Response
    • At the end of the sermon, our pastor will ask everyone to stand and will give an opportunity to respond to the Lord and His Word.  Our song director will sing, and you are invited to respond to the Lord where you stand or walk down front and pray.  Decisions may be to trust Jesus Christ as Savior, confess to the Lord your failures, recommit yourself to living for Jesus, or something similar.  Whatever your decision may be, you are welcome to come forward with others that will make decisions or speak with our pastor who will be standing down front to recieve you.
  • Offering
    • During each Sunday service, we have a time where our members have an opportunity to give an offering to the Lord.  While you are welcome to participate in the offering if you desire, we want you to know that we do not expect your participation.  We are not inviting you to Foxworth First for your money.  We want our service to be a gift & blessing to you.  We hope you will find a warm family spirit, truth from God's Word, and a home where you can grow in God's grace.  While we do not want you to feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest, if you choose to give to the Lord through Foxworth First there are several ways that can happen:
      • During the service, men will "pass the offering plate" while our pianist plays.
      • There is an offering box in the middle of the foyer.  You are welcome to drop on offering in the slot on top of the box.
      • You can also give online by choosing the "GIVE" tab on the website.


We invite you to be our guest. 

We would love to have you join us as we worship the Lord!