[ this is Part 1 of a 2 part article ]
The month of February is a month when people often celebrate “love.” But it is important to differentiate between what is genuine (and healthy) love and what is not. The world promotes many ideas of “love” that are not actually healthy for those of us who are susceptible to consume such ideas.
In any individual, relationship, or organization, health is an important element to consider and evaluate.
In 2018, we took a look at what I presented as Essentials for Church Health. Over the course of several weeks, we viewed what God’s Word says concerning the church and her good health. If we are to experience healthy church growth as we seek to walk, worship, & witness together in a manner that is friendly, faithful, and focused these things are non-negotiable – they are essential.
- Essential #1 – God’s Word is Central to all that we are and do (Ps. 119:1-16).
- The centrality of the Word of God in the church is essential to the good health of the church. God’s Word is our guide for all aspects of life.
- Essential #2 – Our Prayer-Life Gives Evidence of our Understanding that we are Wholly-Dependent on the LORD (Acts 4:29-31).
- Our prayer-life reveals our recognition, or the failure thereof, concerning our complete dependence on the Lord for all that we are, all that we do, and all that we might accomplish.
- Essential #3 – We have a Biblical Understanding of Conversion (John 3:16-17; Acts 4:12; Eph. 2:8-10; Titus 2:11-14).
- The health of the local church is directly tied to whether or not the membership is regenerate (having been born-again), growing in maturity in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit (on-going sanctification), and is future focused for the glory that will be revealed (glorification).
- Essential #4 – We have a Biblical Understanding of the Church Leading to a Healthy Functioning of the Bride of Christ (Acts 2:42; Eph. 4:1-16).
- The local church’s health is tied to her understanding of her calling and the way in which she should walk in the ways of the Lord.
- The local church is a body of called-out by god, born-again in Christ, & indwelled by the Holy Spirit who have publicly professed their faith in Jesus through baptism and have willingly covenanted together to walk, worship, and witness together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God, edification of the believers, which all brings glory of the Lord.
- Seeking to “join” a church is saying, “I have been born-again, and God has led me to join together with the believers in this place to be a minister to, in love, her members and to serve alongside her as ambassadors of the Gospel to all nations.”
- Accepting as a member of a church is her statement that, “We agree with this candidate – they show evidence of having been born-again in Christ and are led to join fellowship with the local gathering of saints in order to walk, worship, and witness together, and we covenant to hold one another in mutual accountability.”
- Each member of the body serves a vital role in the healthy functioning of the body, and therefore, must serve faithfully for the good health of the church.
- Essential #5 – We have Uncompromised, Unparalleled Christian Unity (Ps. 133).
- Christian unity is the oneness that exists among born-again believers by the working of the One, Triune God. A paramount distinction of the church’s health is a oneness that is uncompromised and unlike any that exists in all the world.
- Complete unity of personal preference is not essential; unity in the rejection of personal preference as premier is completely essential.
What do you think?
How are we doing?
What needs to be adjusted in order for us to grow in our health in King Jesus?
Be friendly to those around you (be reminded of what friendship really means). Be faithful to the LORD and His ways (and faithful to His Bride: the Church). Be focused on your mission and the day that will come when this will be no more and we will be like Him!
Pastor loves you, church!