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Dear brother & sister in Christ:  

If you are in Christ – a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17)...          

If you, having been crucified with Christ, no longer live but Christ lives in you (Gal. 2:20)...          

If you are no longer dead in your sin, but alive in Christ (Eph. 2:1-5)...              

If you have been sent out to proclaim the gospel (Mt. 28:18-20)...                  

If you have been united with Christ in His death...                  

And await a uniting with Him in a resurrection like His (Rm. 6:5)...   

And if you are anticipating that day when He will make all things new (Rev. 21:5)...

Then I appeal to you [strongly urge and plead with you] therefore, brothers [& sisters!], by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.  2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.                          Romans 12:1-2  

What will an in-the-contiunal-process-of-transformation-not-conformation-life look like?

A life empowered by the Holy Spirit, walking in step with [yielded to] the Holy Spirit, valuing Christ above everyone and everything, enthralled with and loving the Triune God, supremely, with works of righteousness – those keeping with repentance – flowing from you who was once dead, but now (in Christ) you are alive as you cherish the Word of God, devote yourself to the people of God, and seek the face of God in prayer.  

The above may be the worst constructed sentence regarding English grammar rules [I ain’t sure...I didn’t never really learn those rules too good], but it is absolutely in line with the inerrant, infallible, holy        Word of God!  

Child of God:

  • You have a reason to celebrate!
  • You have power to not be drug down & defeated by the cares of this world!
  • You have a hope and a promise and a future that can never fade!
  • You have the truth – and are set free by the truth!
  • You have a family – no longer an orphan!
  • You have peace – no longer at enmity with God!
  • And you have a job – to be an ambassador of the Kingdom of God!  

Is how your co-workers...?

...your neighbors...?

...your children and your spouse...?

...the waitress (is how they see you) it pointing them to JESUS?  

Be friendly to those around you (be reminded of what friendship really means).  Be faithful to the LORD and His ways (and faithful to His Bride:  the Church).  Be focused on your mission and the day that will come when this will be no more and we will be like Him!  

And do not neglect gathering in the great Name of Jesus in celebration with the church!  If you have made gathering as the church an optional activity in your life, what better time to return to gathering than the RESURRECTION season?  

Let’s gather as the church!  Let’s live worthy of Christ’s death!  Let’s be the church!  All out of love for Him, love for those He created, and for His glory!

Pastor loves you, church!     

Bro. T