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The Christmas Season is here:

the stores are stocked with goodies galore;

the sugary sweets are laid out all the more;

the lights and trees and wreaths all being hung;

with tunes of the season playing & sung;

everyone seems to be of good cheer...

I really hope I get what I want this year!

Isn't that what it all boils down to?  Getting what we want for Christmas?

Now, I know that those who read this article will likely say, "I'm not interested in gifts and presents."  Becasue why would we be all caught up on the gifts we might receive at this point in life?  It really isn't that big of a deal.  And one can, as one ages, actually get excited about socks for Christmas (the present kids dread)!  So, you may disagree with my premise:  we are all prone to be focused on "getting what we want" for Christmas, since it seems many have moved beyond being fixated on a particular gift or present this time of year.

However, I think my premise still stands.  What do you want for Christmas?

  • Maybe it's that you want to spend time with your children - you want them to make time for you (and you want it to be on the day of your choosing).
  • Maybe you want to travel to "that" place and see "that" scenery.
  • Maybe you're really desiring certain functions, church gatherings, & parties to take place in a way that helps you enjoy the Christmas season.
  • Maybe you are even hurting right now as you wish you could spend another Christmas with the loved one who has passed from this life.

Maybe what you "want" for Christmas doesn't look like wrapped boxes with bows, but you still have wants that, if not met, could change your attitude & willingness to worship & praise the Lord like He deserves.

The desires (wants) we have are not always evil or sinful.  The wants above are not "wrong" - they are part of this life...part of our journey.

But if we are so fixated on what we desire - or what we have failed to receive - we are prone to sit, soak, and sour.

  • We can place blame on the ones we see as treating us pooly.
  • We can place blame on the culture around us.
  • We can place blame on the Lord, Himself.

But all the while, the LORD continues to work all things for His glory and our good!  We can trust Him in this - He has proven Himself trustworthy.

Rather than focusing on our wants,  may this Christmas season involve what we see from David, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart" (Ps. 37:3-4).

  • As we focus on Him - our desires will be aligned with His desires for us, and we will be satisfied in Him.

May the LORD bless & lead us as we seek Him.

Friendly. Faithful. Focused. For the glory of the LORD!

Pastor loves you, church!