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The fresheness of a "new church year" is in the air.  Are you getting fired up and ready for what God will do in and through you over the course of the next 12 months?  Are you anticipating God using you for His glory all through your ups and downs over the next year?

Our new church year begins this Sunday, September 3rd.  Some of our kids will be "graduating" to new groups.  Most of our adults will remain in their preferred group.  But, collectively, we are embarking on a new adventure that will be filled with challenges and blessings.  I hope you're ready & planning to be on campus!

Here's the thing:  the evil one hates your commitment to the Bride of Christ.  And he will (and he is) seekign to see your commitment wane.  Chuch Lawless has written an article about how the evil one will likely seek to attack you prior to our gathered worship time this weekend - or any week (accessed at  Dr. Lawless proposes the devil wants us to:

  1. "Mess up in sin.  If he can deceive us and then lead us to hide like Adam and Eve did (Gen. 3:8), he's at least temporarily won.  Sin harms our relationship with God, blocks our prayer, and robs us of joy.  The enemy delights in the sinful secrets of our lives.
  2. Give up the fight.  Perhaps you hear his voice today:  'Why should you keep following a God who's letting these things happen to you?  Why not just give up?'  Job heard similar words from his own grieving wife when their world fell apart (Job 2:9), but still he worshiped God (Job 1:20, 2:10).
  3. Get puffed up with pride.  This problem is at the core of the rest of these problems (Prov. 16:18).  We make ourselves our own God, set our own rules, and walk our own paths.  Then, we also think we can handle our own spiritual battles.  All of these are nothing less than idolatry of the self.
  4. Shut up rather than tell the gospel.  God has given us one plan to reach our neighbors and the nations:  believers are to tell the gospel and make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20, Rom. 10:9-17).  If we never get around to proclaiming the good news, a lost world remains in the enemy's kingdom.
  5. Split up our relationships.  This strategy is hardly new.  The enemy enticed Adam to turn on Eve in the Garden of Eden (blaming her for their sin in Gen. 3:12), and he then turned brother against brother in Genesis 4:1-16.  It's no wonder Jesus prayed so many times that His followers would be one (John 17)."

Can you see where the enemy is attacking?  We must take up the full armor of God so we are able to stand.  And God has designed us to serve and worship and partner together for the building up of His Kingdom.

See you Sunday!

May the LORD bless & lead us as we seek Him.  Friendly. Faithflu. Focused. For the Glory of the LORD!

Pastor loves you, church!  And I'm honored to serve Him alongside you.