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When I was in college, I used to grow mushrooms.  I know, that sounds odd...and it sort of was odd.  But I used to be employed by a business that grew and sold Shiitake (shuh - taa - kee) mushrooms, and my job involved every aspect of the preparing, growing, harvesting, and delivering of these little East Asian fungi.

It was while I was working at the “mushroom plant” that a young lady started stopping by to “visit her mother” – one of my coworkers (you’ll have to ask her why she only stopped by when I was in the building and not off gathering supplies or delivering product).

God’s Word tells us (Prov. 18:22), “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.”  In due time, this young lady who kept coming by the mushroom plant became my “good thing,” and she now has my last name.

Just let me tell you about how things progressed...

I hung out with her around some others a few times...but that wasn’t enough.  So, I took her out to eat and to movies and to wherever so that I could spend more and more time with her.  I lost sleep, at times sacrificed hunting & fishing time, quit hanging out so much with friends, missed some family events, and spent money in order to spend more time with her.  I thought about her...a lot.  I talked to her, daily.  I saw her as often as I could.

There are a lot of things that have changed since 2005 – the year I met my “good thing,” but there are some things that have also remained the same (I’d even say, intensified).  I still spend money...ha.  I truly do like to see her as often as I can.  I think about her – I’ve watched her grow and serve and give and love.  I still choose her – I would rather sit to have a meal with her than anyone.  I know her more, today, as does she know me more.  And I’m committed to her – the decision has been made and renewed and renewed and renewed.  I’ll have to admit it – it’s love!

We would do well to learn what true love is by looking to the Word of God:  sacrifice, patience, commitment, affection, dedication, kindness... Love is a decision that is made & kept.  It’s not just about feelings – which certainly are involved – but it is about commitment.

Jesus tells us that the Greatest Commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind (Mt. 22:34-38).  May we grow in our commitment to the LORD and His Word!  May we grow in our affections for Him!  May we grow in our dedication to walking in His will!  May we make the decision and, strengthened by Him, keep our word to love Him with all of us in every aspect of our lives!

  • Jesus then goes on to say that the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor (others – regardless of our differences, likes or dislikes) as yourself.
  • commitment, sacrifice, kindness, dedication, patience, etc.

Love draws near.  May we draw near to the LORD, and may we draw near to love our neighbor.


Be friendly to those around you (be reminded of what friendship really means).  Be faithful to the LORD and His ways (and faithful to His Bride:  the Church).  Be focused on your mission and the day that will come when this will be no more and we will be like Him!

Pastor loves you, church!

- Bro. T.