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“...why do you stand looking toward heaven...”

Acts 1:11, ESV

The changing of the seasons always causes me to ponder the creativity of our Mighty God.  The beauty and splendor of this world is truly magnificent – something only the Almighty and Purposeful God of all creation could design.  Even though we are aware that every aspect of creation has been affected by sin, this world is an amazingly beautiful, creative place filled with amazingly beautiful and interesting animals, sights, people, etc.  Just imagine how beautiful if not marred by our sin!

The LORD’s magnificent creation points to His almighty power and unexplainable intelligence.  When we stop to look at the world around us it should cause us to (at times) shout with excitement, (at times) remain silent in awe, and (always) survey the beauty and creativity of our Creator. 

But we were not created to simply gaze into the sky.

We see, in the book of Acts, the disciples gazing into the sky as they looked intently for our risen (and now ascended) Savior – Jesus the Christ.  Jesus had previously told the disciples, “ shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).  They were not to simply remain gazing into the sky until the Lord returns.  And neither are we!

Here’s the thing...

  • We are prone to be people who are star-gazers: staring off into the beauty around us (or the things that catch our attention like the twinkling of a star – or the shiny new thing).
  • We are also prone to be navel-gazers: only interested in ourselves and failing to look at the needs around us; instead, focused only on what we want and how we want it.
  • Still also, we are prone to be problem-gazers: only seeing that which we perceive as problems that need to be resolved.
  • And don’t forget that we can be “back-of-our-eyelid-gazers.” We are prone to be “asleep” (so-to-speak).

The church – which belongs to Jesus (He purchased her with His very own blood) – has a purpose.  But our propensity to fleshy desires that are self-centered can lead to a refusal concerning the mission Jesus has given us.

As this new season begins, remember to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Heb. 12:2), but also remember that we are more than star-gazers.  Share the glorious good news of the Gospel to those you encounter, and begin to focus on making disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20).

In March, we went out inviting folks to our Resurrection Celebration Service – we wanted to leave no one uninvited (and I hope such an attitude becomes part of the DNA of this congregation)!  I trust that as we continue to engage this community with the love of Christ – and the gospel of Christ – we will see more come to know and be known by Jesus!  Such is a fulfilling of the purpose given us by our King!


May The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.  2 Cor. 13:14, ESV.

Pastor loves you, church!